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Truck and Warehouse

What you should know

You have questions - we have the answers

Data protection provision  Website visitors and users of our service on the data management and data protection provisions of Dvl Transport Kft (hereinafter "the company").
You voluntarily provide us with personal data when registering or when contacting our company. For this reason, we ask you to pay close attention to the authenticity, correctness and correctness of your information, as you are responsible for it. Incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete data can prevent you from using our services. If you pass on personal data to someone other than yourself, we will assume that you have the necessary authorization. You can revoke your consent to data management at any time free of charge, which we will do within 5 working days. In the event of the use of misleading personal data or if one of our visitors commits a criminal offense or attacks the system of our company, we will delete your data immediately upon termination of the registration and, if necessary, keep it until our civil or criminal rights have been enforced.

about us

Dvl Transport Kft headquarters / office address: 9094 Tápszentmiklós FÅ‘ u. 38/9028 GyÅ‘r Régi  Veszprémi and 14-16. Tax number: 14823536-2-08 Company registration number: 08-09-018394, registered at the registry court of the GyÅ‘r-Moson-Sopron district Bank account number (HUF): MKB Bank Zrt 10300002-10421222-49020012 SWIFT code: MKKBHUHB IBAN: HU70 10300002-10421222- 48820015


These regulations are intended to ensure that Dvl Transport Kft. (9094 Tápszentmiklós Fő u. 38. Cg. 08-09-018394; Tax number: 14823536-2-08)) 2016/679 - GDPR - and Decree CXII of 2011 on the Right to information Self-determination and freedom of information. (hereinafter: Infotv.), ie determines the legal system of operation of the registers kept by the data controller as well as ensuring the enforcement of the constitutional principles of data protection and data security requirements and the prevention of unauthorized access, modification or disclosure of data.


We treat personal data legally, fairly and transparently for you. We only process data for specific, clear and legitimate purposes and not in a way that is incompatible with those purposes. The processed personal data are appropriate and relevant for the purposes of data processing and only extend to the extent necessary. Our company will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the data we process is correct and, if necessary, current and inaccurate personal data is deleted immediately. We store personal data in such a way that you can only be identified for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which your personal data are processed. We take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that personal data is adequately protected against unauthorized or illegal handling, accidental loss, destruction or damage to the data. DATA MANAGEMENT PRACTICE OF Dvl Transport Kft.

The person responsible for data processing acknowledges that the content of this legal notice is binding for him. It undertakes that all data processing in connection with its activities complies with the requirements of these regulations and the relevant national legal provisions as well as EU legal acts. Dvl Transport Kft. Reserves the right to change this brochure at any time. You will inform your customers and partners about changes in good time. If you have any questions about this brochure, please write to us. The Print Brokers Team Kft. Is committed to protecting the personal data of its customers and partners. It is extremely important to him to respect the right of his customers to self-determine the information, to treat personal data confidentially and to take all security precautions, technical and organizational measures to guarantee data security. The data protection and data security guideline defines the data management procedure of the company, the source of personal data, the sequence of data registration, ensures the enforcement of the right to self-determination of the information and the requirements for data security and regulates the associated responsibilities. The purpose of the provisions is also to regulate the handling, protection and retention of data and protected documents that are managed in the company's IT system, as well as the use and protection of the company's IT equipment and software running on it rules.


COOKIES and their handling

A  Cookie  ([ ˈKÊŠki ]; English "biscuit") is one  Text information that is in  Browser  on the end device of the viewer (computer, laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.) each for one visited  Website  ( Web server , server) can be saved. The cookie is either sent from the web server to the browser or generated in the browser by a script (JavaScript ). The web server can read out this cookie information directly from the server when you visit this page again later or transfer the cookie information to the server via a script on the website. The task of these cookies is, for example, the identification of the surfer ( session ID ), the storage of a  Logins  at a  Web application  like Wikipedia  Facebook etc. or saving a  Shopping cart  at a  Online retailer . A common purpose is that  Web tracking  from users [1]  with specially prepared sides. The term  Cookie  is also used in data protection as a synonym for data extraction, data storage, data use, data processing, data transfer and data abuse, regardless of whether a physical cookie is actually used or other techniques are used. Our website uses an internet analysis service provided by Google Inc. with which we can analyze the use of the website with Google Analytics.


Data protection incident: A breach of data security that results in accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized disclosure or unauthorized access to personal data that is transferred, stored or otherwise processed. being edited The series of operations that are carried out, whether automatic or not, by collecting, recording, organizing, storing, transforming or modifying, retrieving, displaying, using, publishing, transferring, distributing or otherwise making available, matching or linking, Blocking, deletion or destruction.


Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of data and the repeal of Regulation (EC) No. 95/46 Data Protection Regulation).


The person responsible for data processing is obliged to act in a targeted, data-friendly and precise manner in cooperation with the data subjects in accordance with the requirements of legality, fairness and transparency. The person responsible for data processing is obliged to exercise or fulfill his rights and obligations in accordance with his purpose. The data management of the activities of the data controller is based on voluntary consent and legal authorization. In the case of voluntary consent, data subjects can revoke their consent at any phase of data processing. In some cases, the handling of a certain set of data provided is required by law, about which we inform our partners separately. Our data management principles are in accordance with data protection laws, in particular the following: 2011 CXII. on the right to self-determination of information and freedom of information Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of data as well as repealing Regulation (EC) No. 95/46 (GDPR) Act V of 2013 - on the Civil Code; Law C of 2000 - on Accounting (Law on Accounting); 2013 CCXXXVII. Credit Institutions and Financial Enterprises Act (Hpt.) CXCIX Act of 1995 - Name and Name for Research and Direct Business Acquisition Address Data Management


The customer can demand from our company that he is informed about the handling of his personal data or the correction of his personal data as well as about the deletion or blocking of his personal data. At the request of the customer, our company will provide information on the data processed by the customer or the data processor, their source, purpose, legal basis, duration, name, address and activities in connection with the data processing and personal data. in the case of a data transfer, the legal basis and the recipient of the transfer. We are obliged to provide the information in writing as soon as possible after submitting the application, but at the latest within 30 days. The information is free if the person requesting the information has not yet sent the company information request for the same area in the current year. In other cases, a refund can be set up. The reimbursement of costs already paid will be reimbursed if the data has been processed unlawfully or if a request for information has led to a correction.


Our company may refuse to inform the customer only for the external and internal security of the state such as national defense, national security, crime prevention or law enforcement, as well as for the financial interest of the state or local government and protect the rights of the customer or others. The company is obliged to inform the customer of the reason for refusing to provide information. Personal data must be deleted, in particular in the cases mentioned in the above-mentioned laws, in particular if their processing is illegal, - the customer requests this, - incomplete or incorrect - and this status cannot be legally corrected - the purpose of the data processing has been discontinued or statutory data storage - unless cancellation is legally excluded.

Instead of deleting, the company will block personal data if the customer requests this or if, based on the information available to him, it can be assumed that the deletion would harm the legitimate interests of the customer. Personal data blocked in this way can only be processed for as long as the purpose of the data processing exists, which precludes the deletion of personal data. If the company does not comply with the customer's request for correction, blocking or cancellation, it must provide written reasons for rejecting the request for correction, blocking or cancellation within 30 days of receipt of the request. In the event that an application for correction, deletion or blocking is rejected, our company will inform the customer about the possibility of a legal remedy and of recourse to the authorities.


Verordnung (EU) 2016/679 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 27. April 2016 über den Schutz des Einzelnen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten und über den freien Datenverkehr sowie die Aufhebung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 95 / 46 Datenschutzverordnung).


Verordnung (EU) 2016/679 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 27. April 2016 über den Schutz des Einzelnen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten und über den freien Datenverkehr sowie die Aufhebung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 95 / 46 Datenschutzverordnung).


Verordnung (EU) 2016/679 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 27. April 2016 über den Schutz des Einzelnen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten und über den freien Datenverkehr sowie die Aufhebung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 95 / 46 Datenschutzverordnung).

Verordnung (EU) 2016/679 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 27. April 2016 über den Schutz des Einzelnen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten und über den freien Datenverkehr sowie die Aufhebung der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 95 / 46 Datenschutzverordnung).

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